Getting weight loss surgery is a big decision and a journey that takes commitment and dedication. Fortunately for Colin, Lesley and their two daughters Laura and Amy, they were able to go through it together as a family. In the Autumn of 2020, they each had weight loss surgery within just a couple of months of each other.
The story begins around 7 years prior when Colin made his first enquiries into weight loss surgery…
“We had all tried dieting and exercise over the years, but even if you lose a bit, the weight creeps back up a little bit more each time. As the years went on it became harder and harder to keep the weight off. I first had a consultation with Mr Hamouda some years ago, but at the time decided not to pursue it. We kept revisiting the idea and talking about it together as a family, but it never went anywhere. Eventually we all somewhat separately came to the same conclusion that we each wanted to explore weight loss surgery properly”.
As well as looking and feeling better, there were other more serious reasons to explore weight loss surgery.
Lesley said: “We were all at our heaviest weight ever and each of us needed to lose a significant amount of weight for our health, but my daughters Laura and Amy both have heart problems and were told they needed to lose weight to help. That was a real motivator for them to lose the weight and get this life-changing surgery”.
Laura adds: “At the beginning of lockdown I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation. They wanted me to have a procedure but I couldn’t because my weight put me at too high a risk. That really put things into perspective beyond just looking better”.
Starting the journey
So at the beginning of 2020, each member of the family was able to time their journeys to begin within a few weeks of each other. They each had an initial consultation with Weight Loss Surgery Kent, to see Mr Hamouda where they would discuss the various weight loss surgery options.
Lesley said “Mr Hamouda was so reassuring, from start to finish. He never “sold” the idea to us, only gave us all the information we each needed to make a decision that was right for us. He took so much time to clearly explain things”.
Amy also said “The consultation stage was amazing really. Mr Hamouda was so calming and relaxed – it makes you feel relaxed and calm too. He explained things very well and was so clear and helpful, and gave us all the time we needed to make our decision”.
The family ended up with plenty of time to be sure of their decision because the first lockdown meant that all weight loss procedures were postponed in early 2020. Surgery was eventually able to restart later in the year, and everyone managed to get a date for their procedures by the Autumn.
Hospital and surgery
Colin went first in September, with younger daughter Amy following a couple of weeks after. Lesley and Laura had their procedures in November. Colin, Amy and Lesley each had a gastric sleeve procedure, and Laura had a gastric bypass. Everyone had their procedures at the Nuffield Health Hospital in Tunbridge Wells.
Colin said “I spent two days in the hospital and it was fantastic from start to finish. Everything was very professional, everyone was very experienced which is encouraging as a patient. I remember speaking to the Anaesthetist who told me about how much he respected Mr Hamouda as a surgeon and that I was in the very best hands. It was very reassuring to hear that”.
Youngest daughter Amy said “The hospital experience was really good. Mr Hamouda and all of the nurses made the experience very relaxing and comfortable. It was nice for me because my dad went first. I was two weeks behind him. It was lovely to have an idea of what to expect at each stage from him”.
Laura said “It is a bit daunting going into hospital for weight loss surgery. You assume people will judge you, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Everyone was so kind and caring and put you at ease right from the start. I went last out of the family too, and whilst I had a different procedure to them, it was so reassuring to hear their positive experiences of the hospital and surgery”.
Recovery and aftercare
Colin said “The initial recovery was surprisingly fast. It is tough to adapt to a liquid-only diet at the beginning but you get used to that fairly quickly and it doesn’t last that long. The aftercare support, both from Mr Hamouda and the Dietician was fantastic. We had regular check-ins with both of them for advice and guidance throughout the first year after surgery. Because of the pandemic, it was done virtually, but the ease of communication and access has been brilliant”.
Laura said “I was nervous about having the procedure, but I had much less pain than I thought I would have. The only pain I had was trapped wind. I was up and walking the same day. The first few weeks are a bit tough diet-wise, but you do get used to that quickly and the dietician really helps you understand what to do about eating”.
“Christmas was very different,” says Lesley “We used to be big eaters and Christmas obviously revolves around food. I do love cooking and love to feed my family, so it was quite tough to have a Christmas that wasn’t about the food. One potato, two brussels and a little bit of meat and we were done. It was easier being in it together as a family because we could all lean on each other for support. Over time you get used to smaller portions and learn what to eat when and how to manage your food”.
Laura says “It’s amazing to see the weight drop off quickly. The food part is quite restrictive and challenging in the first few months, but it is so worth it. I’d just say keep going, because before you know it you’ll be in a good routine and enjoying food again, just in smaller portions. What was really nice was going through it with my family, being able to talk to them about the struggles and support each other as we learned new habits and broke old ones. It’s really the mental side that’s most important. The surgery helps kickstart those new mental changes”.
Amy said “Being able to support each other as a family is amazing. We were always talking to each other about our experience and weighed in on WhatsApp each week. It was nice to be a bit ahead of my mum and sister because I could reassure them about temporary side effects like hair loss, and show them that their hair loss isn’t permanent!”.
Life after weight loss surgery
At the time of writing, the family are approaching their one-year anniversary post-surgery. They’ve lost a combined total of 23 stone! Both Amy and Laura have significantly improved their heart health too. Amy has reduced her heart medication and is set to be discharged if her health continues to improve. Laura was also able to get the procedure she needed after losing enough weight and has also been able to reduce her medication.
Advice from The Richards Family
We asked what each of the family would like to say to anyone considering weight loss surgery.
Lesley said “It is a very different way of life, especially as someone who loves to cook, but it’s so worth it, the best thing I’ve ever done. The operation gives you a fantastic start, but you have to learn how to live and eat in a more controlled way. Because you physically can’t eat as much, it teaches you portion control and you realise how much you had been eating before”.
Amy said “If you do go through it with someone else a friend or family member, it’s great to have the support, but it’s important to remember that everyone’s also on their own individual journey. We all lost weight at different rates and we had different experiences, so remember that. Even comparing yourself online to people in Facebook groups and things like that. It doesn’t matter if you lose weight quicker or slower, as long as you are on the right track for you”.
Laura said “Take as many photos as you can before and during your weight loss so you can track your progress. It was so helpful when I was feeling down or unmotivated, to look back at how far I had come. Sometimes you don’t realise how much weight you’ve lost and how well you’ve done until you look back”.
Colin said “Don’t go into this lightly. It is important to make the decision at the right time for you. It’s a procedure you’re choosing to have done, not something that you absolutely must have done, so be sure about it and learn a lot before you move forward. Having said that it is the best decision I’ve ever made for my health. I have full confidence in recommending Mr Hamouda. I would happily have travelled across the country to see him, but I was blessed that he was so local to us. I had absolutely no worries about my wife and daughters being cared for by Mr Hamouda, he has my complete trust and confidence”.
Mr Hamouda’s Comments
“It was a real privilege to treat and look after the Richards family, as they were individually highly motivated and also well researched. It is very clear to me and through medical research that individuals embarking on a weight loss journey do so much better when they have support and the ability to “partner” with someone who is on the same journey.
Whilst Colin, Lesley, Laura and Amy were each on their own journey, their tremendous combined 23 stone weight loss is a testament to the support they gave each other. I was really pleased to have been able to make an impact on Laura and Amy’s heart problems and improve their health with surgery. The whole family made my job easy and I wish them the best for the future.”