Risks of obesity

Risks of obesity

Obesity can be seen to cause a number of health issues, from just making daily life more difficult to serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses. Some of the common problems caused by obesity can include: Increased perspiration (sweating) fatigue joint pain...
Which Weight loss Surgery Should I Choose?

Which Weight loss Surgery Should I Choose?

When it comes to weight loss surgery, there are quite a few choices. You may have heard of gastric band and bypass procedures. However there are many others such as sleeve which is fast becoming very popular. Also balloon, mini-gastric bypass, gastric plication to...
To Balloon or not to Balloon

To Balloon or not to Balloon

Gastric balloons may be making a comeback.They are temporary space occupying bags of liquid inserted into the stomach and left there for 6 months to 1 year to reduce calorie intake. For the first week or two individuals are really limited to fluids only. A balloon...