Where to go for Help on Obesity?
23 Aug, 2016

As previously mentioned in my blog, social interaction and sharing of experiences is an essential adjunct to successful weight loss. In other words, if you’re trying to do it on your own through diet and exercise or whether you’re considering weight loss surgery or have just had surgery, the best support is to talk to someone who’s been through it all. I would like to highlight two organizations who have a proven track record of helping people tackle their obesity problem: BOMSS (British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society and WLSInfo (Weight Loss Surgery Information). You can find extremely useful resources and people’s experiences at their urls; https: www.bomss.org.uk  and www.wlsinfo.org.uk

By Ahmed Hamouda on Google+, Facebook and Twitter

Written by Mr Ahmed Hamouda

Mr Ahmed Hamouda is The Director of Weight Loss Surgery Kent. He is a highly trained and experienced Consultant Bariatric and General Surgeon.