Weight Loss Surgery Pays for Itself
23 Aug, 2016

Following weight loss surgery, obesity related health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea commonly disappear or improve. This leads to cost savings on the medications required to treat these conditions. Also, increased activity and mobility may lead to improved job prospects and higher pay for individuals who have lost weight.

Many researchers have looked at these costs over the years and generally agree that the cost of a weight loss operation is generally recovered anywhere between 2 to 3 years following surgery. The study I have quoted below confirms these findings.

This calculation has a huge impact on health economies such as the UK, where the taxpayer bears the burden of obesity and obesity-related conditions through the NHS budget. There is a solid debate between healthcare decision makers on whether the initial cost justifies the savings, or whether the outcome is intangible and the initial costs unjustified.

There is no doubt though that the research confirms the effectiveness of weight loss surgery on the treatment of obesity and obesity related conditions which translates into better life expectancy figures. Author contributes to Google+.

On average it takes approximately three and a half years to recoup the costs associated with weight loss surgery. This is a result of productivity gains, health system savings and improved quality of life.

Written by Mr Ahmed Hamouda

Mr Ahmed Hamouda is The Director of Weight Loss Surgery Kent. He is a highly trained and experienced Consultant Bariatric and General Surgeon.